Saturday, November 26, 2011

Randomness in no particular order
I realized that I am the worst blogger, but I have finally accepted why. Each week I think of all these things that I want to blog about, and when I finally get the time to sit down to blog, too much time has passed and there is too much to blog about. At that point, I get overwhelmed and then I just don't blog. Until a day like today comes along and I decide to blog a years worth of stuff in one sitting and then I'm blogged out for the entire year. Whew, just thinking about it makes me tired. So, here we go...
So, we moved into our house in December (2010) and we have our very own pear tree. I was super excited and decided to try to can my very own pears. I came home from work one day and just decided that I was going to can all of them that night.
Word to the wise, canning takes longer than you think.
You have to de-core and peel each fruit and then make the juice, process it, etc. After I finished, I went to bed and all night I heard them popping and making these terrible noises and I was so sad because I thought that none of them were going to work and we would have to eat a million pears in a few days so they wouldn't go rotten. Apparently, the lids pop and it all worked but here is the product of my hard work. 12 cans, probably lame, but I was happy!!
Nursery is the best calling EVER!! Here are some of our cute nursery kids from my parents ward. I miss them. What calling can you hop around to music and eat Bugles? Loved it!
I am a couponer. I have actually really gotten into couponing. I am not one of those crazies, no offense, with their huge binder and 10 carts but I use coupons and I love it! This was something like $175 worth of groceries for $35. How cool is that?
So, Mark and I were parents for a weekend and we took my brother Nathan to Vegas for a soccer tournament. We realized that we are terrible parents. We reserved the cheapest hotel, "The Golden Spike," need I say more? My brother was scared for his life the whole time. I don't recommend it.

Word to the wise, canning takes longer than you think.
You have to de-core and peel each fruit and then make the juice, process it, etc. After I finished, I went to bed and all night I heard them popping and making these terrible noises and I was so sad because I thought that none of them were going to work and we would have to eat a million pears in a few days so they wouldn't go rotten. Apparently, the lids pop and it all worked but here is the product of my hard work. 12 cans, probably lame, but I was happy!!

Friday, July 8, 2011
The opening prayer will be by...
We had just moved into our new ward when I received a call from an unknown person, which is not my favorite thing. I decided to answer and the person was mumbling and all I heard was something about opening prayer on Sunday. I agreed and then the call ended.
I am always anxious about saying prayers in public, I don't know what it is, nobody is looking at me (or at least shouldn't be), and it can be quick if you want. It could go back to when I was a little girl and was supposed to say the opening prayer for this big achievement day get together and on top of starting with the words to "I am a Child of God," instead of the usual prayer, I also had a brain fart and forgot how to start the prayer. Awkward.
So, Sunday came, and we got to church early, big thing for us. I grabbed a program only to notice that my name was replaced with someone else's. Whew...the stress was gone. Until I noticed that I must be on the program at my old ward.
Needless to say, I was asked to say the opening prayer in my old ward and I was not there to say it. Thank goodness for parents that love you and say the prayer for you!!
I am always anxious about saying prayers in public, I don't know what it is, nobody is looking at me (or at least shouldn't be), and it can be quick if you want. It could go back to when I was a little girl and was supposed to say the opening prayer for this big achievement day get together and on top of starting with the words to "I am a Child of God," instead of the usual prayer, I also had a brain fart and forgot how to start the prayer. Awkward.
So, Sunday came, and we got to church early, big thing for us. I grabbed a program only to notice that my name was replaced with someone else's. Whew...the stress was gone. Until I noticed that I must be on the program at my old ward.
Needless to say, I was asked to say the opening prayer in my old ward and I was not there to say it. Thank goodness for parents that love you and say the prayer for you!!
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Run for Lindsey
My cousin's wife has been battling brain cancer and so me and a few others are putting together this fundraiser to help them out with the huge amount of medical bills.
It is a 5K but you can come and walk it, ride your bike, push a stroller, run a mile, whatever you would like to do. Because it is a charity, there will be a limited amount of free t-shirts given to those that register early. T-shirts can also be purchased if you can't/don't want to run :) You can register and get more information at the website. Hope to see you there, it will be a lot of fun!!

Friday, March 11, 2011
Green Thumb??
I have become extremely interested in gardens lately and so I took this amazing class by Gordon Wells, purchased his book, and then tried his tips on my own. This is the product of our Spring garden. I was so excited to get it all planted. 

Little did I know that I would wake up the next morning to my garden covered in snow. I was so sad that I didn't even want to go out to check on my plants. The next day I walked out and most of my plants looked pretty good but my peas are completely smashed to the ground. Any way, we'll see how it turns out. I can't wait to eat my own home grown food!!!
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