These yoga pants have saved my life!! Yes, they are yoga pants and yes I wear them almost every day to everything :). They are thick enough that you can't see through them and stretchy in the waste and just super comfy. Thank you Nordstrom, I'll love you forever!
I seriously can't believe that on Saturday I will be 36 weeks. Where the heck has the time gone? We can't wait to meet this little muchkin but still have a ton to do to get ready for him.
This baby has been so nice to me. My biggest enemies, during this pregnancy, has been acid reflux/heart burn and fatigue. The first trimester, I literally could have slept for 24 hours a day. I have never been so tired in my life. I have been tired lately too but not near as bad as in the beginning. I'm definitely not complaining though. We'll see how the last few weeks go. Wish us luck!!!