Sunday, December 6, 2009

Cancun Baby!

For our honeymoon, we went to Cancun and then went to Washington DC for another reception with Mark's family. Both places were so awesome!!! Cancun was a blast. We did not rent a car so we were able to walk to a lot of places and experience the bus system, which was HILARIOUS! In the US, they usually tell you the stops that are coming up and/or post a sign that says what is coming up. NO, not in Cancun. Both of us did not know Spanish either. Need I say more :) Here is the view from our hotel room!! It was gorgeous! The pool that you can see there was so went to the edge and then dropped off into the ocean. We went to the Interactive Aquarium and it was fun to see all these animals close up. We could even touch a lot of them. This picture does not even give the experience justice. We had dinner at some really exciting places. We had dinner at this nice restaurant and we could look out into the ocean. The waiter poured our drinks by holding the can on the palm of his hand and wasn't using fingers!! It was suctioned on or something...WEIRD. We also ate dinner on a pirates ship. We sailed off into the ocean and the food was divine and while we ate, there was this whole pirate show going on. We then joined another boat and had a war. It was soooooooooooo cool!!!

We also did some excursions. We did a Chichen itza and a Jungle Tour. This is a picture of Chichen itza. I am always so impressed by the architecture of things built so long ago. Each part of the pyramid was designed for a specific reason. The number of steps, the direction of each side/corner, and the echo of things. There were lots of buildings but this was the biggest and most well known.

This picture was taken in the middle of this big field. That circle that you can see in the picture is part of this ancient game that they used to play. It was cool learning about it. I guess there were two teams and you had to throw or kick, or something impossible, into that little hole clear up on the wall. The winner would be sacrificed because they wanted to send the best offers to the Gods. Anyone want to play?? I'll even let you WIN :)
I know...this is a very flattering picture :) Another excursion that we did was this jungle tour. We were able to drive our own boats through the jungle and then we parked it in the middle of the ocean and went snorkeling!! I was scared we would be eaten by sharks, and we did see some HUGE fish but nothing that could eat us. It was sooooo beautiful.

In Cancun, you have to bargain for all your little trinkets and souvenirs. We found out that Mark and I are not that great at bargaining either. We would just look at each other and wouldn't know how to tell them that we didn't want it. Finally, we would just speed walk passed people and try to not look at anyone. It was awesome and we did end up coming home with really cool things.

One last thing before I bore everyone to death. Every morning we had breakfast at the hotel, which, by the way, was AMAZING!!! There were yummy cream cheese roll things that we ate like 50 every morning :). Before breakfast one morning, we realized that we didn't have enough money to tip, so we walked down the street to a store to pull some cash out of an ATM machine. So, we put the card into the machine and obviously the machine is in Spanish and we don't know what it says. So we kinda figure out what we are doing but then we finished and NO MONEY and NO CARD came out of the machine. We realized then, that the machine ATE our CARD!! We tried to get people to help but we didn't know what they were saying and they had us call someone, who also spoke Spanish. Needless to say, there is a machine in Cancun with our debit card :)

P.S. It is not cheap to text from Cancun to the US either.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

For time and all eternity....

My hunk of smoking love!!! Our engagement photo :)

Marky and I got married on May 27, 2008 in the Salt Lake City Temple. It was such an amazing day and we were so glad to share it with the people that we love!! We had our reception at the Bungalo! We loved it, it was soooo pretty there.

My beautiful family!!!

My new family :)

My cake...mmmmmMMMMmmmm.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Call 911...FIRE!!!

The best story of all time, and if you live within 25 miles of AF, then you probably heard about it. It all started with a scavenger hunt with all of our friends for a date idea! It was so fun, we were running around and finding clues and racing other couples. Next thing we know we are at my house! I go sprinting inside and I ran all the way up to our bonus room and then Ruggles tackles me and won't let go.
My first thought was, "You sicko, let go of me your married!" Finally, I took off running for the next clue and people told me it was in my basement. I found it odd that there were candles and flower pedals everywhere, but who cares, I will WIN this race! I get to the end of the road of candles and pedals to see my cute little Marky in a circle of them. I start yelling, "I won, I won." I think he started to get annoyed :). He proposes, it was cute, we caressed, and it was cuter.

We went upstairs to share the love and my dad smells smoke and we look at it is billowing, yes, billowing from the basement. We run down there and my basement was caught on fire. Fire trucks, neighbors everywhere, and my dad totally ticked off and I was engaged!!!!

hahahaha the fire truck!!!

We bathed in Burger King

The next big adventure was meeting Mark's family in Cali and going to Laguna Seca. Me, Mark, and Robby Rob were all going to drive to Cali for a family vacation and I was going to meet his family for the first time!! When we got to Cali, we were all sooooooooo exhausted that we had this genius plan to take a nap on the beach. Well, you see, when you are really tired you don't move a whole lot and Cali is very sunny and hot. If you put two and two together, then you get scab on my cheek. So, I scabbed my whole right side of my face. We were going to stay in a motel but they ended up being all full so the next night we slept in the car in the parking lot of Burger King. The best part though, was getting ready the next morning in Burger King's bathroom and having someone else come in to the restroom as you are washing your face and have them ask you if you are their new neighbors. I wondered if I was supposed to take cookies and welcome them to the parking lot?!?! So interesting, but it for sure brings good memories. We had so much fun the rest of the time eating good food, surfing, riding cruisers, and just hanging out.

fun stuff

While we were dating we had so much fun staying up really late and talking and laughing. It was also great because we both love soccer and so we would play a lot of soccer together. After a couple months of dating though, I went to BYU-Hawaii. That was sooooooooooooo awesome for me. For my birthday though, Mark and Bowen came out to visit me. After a few rocky days, we had a lot of fun hanging out in Hawaii. We were able to go skydiving and parasailing. It was fun to spend some time together and for my birthday we all went to a fancy dinner and Mark decorated my bed with flowers and peanut m&m's (yummy).

While I was there, I went snorkeling and totally thought I was going to die. We went to this place called Shark's Cove and we were swimming around looking at all of the cool fish. We were done snorkeling so we swam over to one side of the cove to get out and next thing we know we are swirling around and hitting coral and flailing all of our limbs. We finally got out of the water and I was bleeding all over the place. I had some pretty sweet scars though. I was able to experience a lot of things in Hawaii. I saw a lot of historical places, see and go to the beautiful campus, go to Matsumoto's and a lot of other things. We met really awesome people too, like the bum that we saw EVERYWHERE. He always drank this muddy water, ewwwwwww.

Love at first sight??

So, me and Mark met at our apartment complex down in Provo. He would tell people that I stalked him, but I wouldn't call it stalking. I would just try to be places that he was and google him and follow him on facebook. Is that stalking? :) Ok, maybe that is stalking. The first time we hung out we went to a haunted house with some friends and we accidentally locked our keys in the car, so we wandered around SLC until my mom could come unlock the car for us. It was really so much fun!!