The flight home from Hawaii was the most eventful flight either one of us have ever had. It was a red eye flight and we got to the airport at like 6 or so, which was early because our car was due back at that time. Our flight was at like 9 or something and so we waited FOREVER. The flight was delayed until 11 pm. We were starving by the time we got on the plane and super thirsty because we were in the sun all day at the beach. During the flight, I starting feeling really sick and light headed. Next thing that I know, I have passed out. I wake up to the flight attendants rushing to me and a doctor asking me questions and an oxygen mask on my face. I layed on Mark's lap for a while and then felt better so I sat up. All of a sudden, I am barfing into a bag and it was on my shirt, ewwww. I look over at Mark and he almost passes out and has to get oxygen on his face. WOW!! That's all I have to say, WOW.
If anyone has crazy flight stories, I would love to hear them :) because I feel for ya.