After Cancun, we had a second reception with people that Mark and his family new. It was fun to see people that Mark grew up with and people that new him when he was a little one. Here is a picture from the reception. So, VA is freaking
hot and my family and I were the only ones sweaty like crazy. If you can tell, which I am sure that you can, from this picture, I have flat, nasty hair and a very shiny face. Mark's is totally dry and HOTT!!!

While we visited, we were able to go and see all of the historical sites. It was sooo fun to see the White House, Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial and many others. I loved being able to finally see all of the things that you learn about in class! I was even able to go see where Mark
"worked" during high school - the golf course.

This statue is
AWESOME! It's so much larger than you expect. You can see the little peeps standing in front of it.

This picture is kinda blurry but you get the point. This was one of my favorite things that we did while I was there. We went to the
Holocaust Museum and we were able to spend a good bunch of hours wandering and reading about the Holocaust. It is incredible to me to see how Hitler convinced so many people that he was doing good but realizing how many terrible things he really did. The picture above shows the shoes to people who were killed. It was a huge room all full of shoes. It was a real eye opener.
The things that I learned about VA while I was there:
1. It is very pretty and green.
2. It is soooo hot that I almost died. I was sitting in the shade and I had sweat dripping of my chin, elbows, and running down my shins. Yeah, I almost died. People were asking me if I was ok :)
3. hmmm....I really do love Utah!! Sorry to all those Virginian lovers. I still love you!
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